Christopher Till

Software EngineerUI/UX Designer

About Me

I love to develop beautiful, responsive sites and present incredible user experiences. I have a versatile skillset - ranging from creating static sites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript to creating robust web applications with React, GraphQL, SQL and more!

Currently, I work as Software Engineer II at Reachify making call deflection software to help restaurants focus on the food.



  • Coding and Programming
  • UI / UX Design
  • Web Development
  • Securing Software using OWASP concepts
  • Accessible Design
  • Site Troubleshooting
  • Information Architecture
  • Cross-browser compatibility
  • Multimedia Designs


Software Engineer II (Reachify)

July 2022 - Present

Currently I am developing solutions for Reachify's call deflection self-management portal that allows customers to create dynamic call flows for their phone systems and answer customer questions automatically. I created and shipped many features of the platform prior to release, utilizing many front- and back-end technologies, including React, Node, GraphQL and PostgreSQL.

Software Engineer (BTB Security)

November 2020 - July 2022

Created and implemented solutions and integrations for BTB's Managed Detection and Response service, called RADAR®. Led a project to redesign the user interface from the ground up, migrating from an outdated Angular implementation to a modern React framework. Implemented back-end services in Go and PHP.

Researcher (DiSC)

January 2019 - May 2020

Worked for the Rutgers Camden Digital Studies Center (DiSC) researching harassment of online personalities. Specifically, we researched an "AI influencer" personality on Instagram that claimed to be a robot. In reality, a company was behind this character and that character was simply a 3D model set into the scenarios in her pictures. As a result, this character got a lot of harassment on Instagram, and our job was to collect and analyze the comments to determine how online harassment shown to these virtual entities was different to that shown to humans. More info can be found on Club 405's website.

Researcher (CCIB)

June 2018 - June 2020

Worked for the Rutgers Camden Center for Computational and Integrative Biology (CCIB) researching distributed search-and-evacuate algorithms using mobile agents. Our aim was to fully understand and recreate these algorithms in order to create the first visualizer to help other researchers in this field. These algorithms typically involve multiple mobile agents, (or for the sake of simplicity, bots) which are searching in an enclosed space for some sort of goal. As this is typically an evacuation problem, we say that the goal is an exit, and the algorithm terminates when a certain number of bots cooperate to find that exit. We created the initial framework for the simulator using JavaScript, and extended it to include the visualizer, which is made using D3.js. We have since looked at other problems such as particle simulations on a triangular grid, and hope to create another simulation/visualization framework for this genre of problems. More information can be found at the project's website: Search and evacuations algorithms


Rutgers University Camden

September 2016-May 2020

Graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science and Digital Studies.

Awards & Honors

  • RUCHacks Winner
  • PHISIM scholarship award winner
  • Presented research at CCSCNE for Rutgers Camden CCIB
  • Presented research at ACJS in San Antonio, and ASC in San Francisco, CA for Rutgers Camden DiSC